Terms & Conditions
By making a booking at In:Spire Nature, you (the parent/carers of the children attending) / book a party at In:Spire Nature, you (the person making the booking) / book a school visit, you (the lead teacher making the booking) agree to the following terms and conditions:
- Events will operate in all weathers with the exception of conditions which may mean that safety is compromised (high winds/thunderstorms)
- In the unlikely event that we have to cancel an event due to unsafe conditions or staff illness, we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible and offer you an alternative date or refund.
- Sessions are non-refundable and transferable at our discretion.
- If you choose to cancel your party booking, your deposit payment will be retained.
- Payment for sessions made via our ClassForKids is required at the time of booking. Birthday party bookings will be subject to a £30 deposit then full payment is required at least a week before the party date. Schools will be invoiced after their workshop or a half term in advance for regular sessions.
- Please ensure that everyone attending is dressed appropriately for the weather in appropriate clothes and footwear that they don’t mind getting wet and muddy.
- Our events aim to give children and their families the time and space to connect with nature and with each other. Parents/carers/teachers are to remain present in body and mind and are responsible for their own children for the entirety of the session should they be attending.
- Health and safety information will be recapped at the start of each event. It is then your responsibility to ensure that the child/ren in your care are adhering to these rules.
- Our settings are a natural and ever-changing environment. Every effort is made to reduce risk and ensure the woodland/setting and its contents are as safe as possible. However, the nature of the setting means that a degree of risk remains. It is your responsibility to support the child/ren in your care as they play and stay vigilant. If you see something of concern, please report it to In:Spire Nature staff.
- During In:Spire Nature sessions, participants will have access to a wide range of equipment, some of which may be dangerous if used incorrectly. A safety briefing and demonstration will be given before using this equipment and it is then your responsibility for ensuring that equipment is used properly by the child/ren in your care. Only use equipment that is appropriate for the age/stage of your child.
- If a child/ren is 'dropped off' you pass responsibility of your child/ren to In:Spire Nature qualified and trained staff, during that session.
- Parents/carers are responsible for arranging pick ups.
- All settings and activities are Risk Assessed.
- We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property.
- We accept no responsibility for any injury sustained on our site or during our sessions when parents/carers attend.
- You are responsible for administering any medication any child/ren in your care may require. If medication is required during session please accept staff administration in the registration questions.
- During some sessions we may provide food and/or drink for children. It is your responsibility to make us aware of any allergies or relevant medical conditions.
- You are responsible for ensuring all waste is taken away with you. You can compost any organic matter on site.
- We respect your privacy. This is outlined in our separate Privacy Policy.